Redesigned the website with a clean look, improving SEO, optimization and performance by 70%, which led to higher search rankings and a better user experience.
Next.js, React, SCSS, Bootstrap5, ReactStrap, Figma, Vercel
Work as a as a Full Stack Developer to deliver crucial features including payment integration and robust admin account management features with client-centric communication.
React, Signal, SCSS, TailwindCSS, Figma, Firebase, Nodejs, Express, Postgres, TypeORM, Paypal, Twilio/sendgrid
A real-time chat application with user authentication, messaging functionality, and a user list feature.
React, Signal, SCSS, Boostrap5, Figma, Firebase, Nodejs, Express, Websocket, Postgres, Netlify, Heroku
Work as a full-stack developer, implementing amazing features with an incredible team.
React, SCSS, Boostrap5, Figma